June 6, 2010

Five Dollar Photo

Canon EOS 7D | Canon 35mm f/1.4L | Available Light
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I started in photography about a year and a half ago. As the quality of my output increased, so did inquiries about my rates.

My rates?

Since I was new to the art of photography and even more unaccustomed to the business of it all, I would scan the internet for photographers in this region, and base my quotes on a percentage of their fee. It seemed like a reasonable enough approach.

Many of my would-be clients didn't think so. I would give them a quote, and they would respond like my man Chris Rock in famous "How much for one rib" skit from I'm Gonna Get You Sucka

"X dollars?! Good lord! How much to just tell people what I look like?"

I think many of my would-be clientele were as unfamiliar as I with how to negotiate the price of photography. Maybe instead of asking my rate, they should have just offered a bid. Like the friend of the man pictured here.
I was sitting in Campus Martius talking to a friend with my baby girl - Canon 7D Stephens- on my shoulder when a man approached and asked if I would take a picture of him and his two friends if he gave me five dollars.

Bid accepted.

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mgindi.tumblr.com said...

Just realized, mid-way thru reading this post, I couldn't read the text on the image. Or on the previous 4 images. I think we need to work on that. This photo isn't my favorite for this project, though I think it could work as lifestyle stock photography. Excited to see today's image!

The People of Detroit said...

That's strange @ not being able to see the text.

Stock photography?!??! NOOOOO lol. I don't know. I thought he had a great face. He wasn't smiling at first, was a lil self conscious, but I managed to get him to break out in this really uninhibited smile. I love the expression and detail in his face.

What's going on in NYC Maeg-mizzle?

mgindi.tumblr.com said...


miss you!