June 9, 2010


Canon EOS 7D | Canon 35mm f/1.4L | Available Light
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W. Kim Heron is the editor of the Metro Times - a free, weekly news and entertainment publication here in Detroit.

I saw him on the Riverwalk the other day, told him about the project and was pleasantly surprised that he was already familiar with it and in fact counted himself as a reader.

That said, I'd like to take this time to say hello to W. Kim Heron.

But seriously, the Metro Times is a one of the best sources for what's going on in Detroit - especially as it pertains to culture and entertainment events. It is an deeply entrenched part of my weekly routine. Make it a part of yours: www.metrotimes.com/Default.asp?

[View the daily blog and meet more of:The People of Detroit ]

1 comment:

Eric said...

That's a great photo. The color and light are perfect. I've just recently found your blog and have enjoyed going through it. I even copied your style with a photo of my wife. As has been said, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Thanks for the inspiration.